Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Water Blessing — High Priestess Ida Resi Alit

We were invited to join Karja and son Made for a Holy Water Blessing from a new young Balinese woman, 28 years old who had just been made a High Priestess. We were told to bring a change of clothes.  We were a bit skeptical and our fear was that it was a tourist show.  We quickly realized it is not so. The High Priestess was very genuine and began with about 30 minutes of chanting and her preparation to do the Holy Water Blessing. We did not photograph the prayer for it felt too sacred and personal.

This is her alter.  As she chanted we went into meditation and preparing ourselves for  receiving this blessing.

As the holy water was dumped over us to the point of total saturation there was the rush of energy that threw open our hearts and our hearts began to sing. As the same time we automatically began to hit our feet onto the earth as a natural response to ground the energy within our bodies.

When the water ceremony was complete she directed us to stand in the sun and simply bask in the feeling of the new peace that was vibrating within us. We were in a state of total surrender.

As we watched others receiving the blessing, we understood why the Balinese High priests have gifted her with this title of a High Priestess at such a young age. It was clear her wisdom and the power of the ceremony is filling a new need for Balinese people.

For as the the Balinese move away from the induction of the energy of the heart through their daily family and culture activities and become caught in the western model they need this ceremony to help them remember on a deeper level who they are. Thus it is also of great benefit to us westerners to give us the opportunity to touch into the peace of the Balinese Divine Heart.

Each person both balinese and non Balinese who were there that day, responded differently.  A few cried and release a deep torment from their soul.  My heart went out to them.  The High Priestess helped them move the energy through them so they did not stay stuck in their torment.  There were purification for each of us and the blessings to unfold in the Divine time.  We felt clear and joyful.

The symbol at the top peak of the High Priestess's house.

A special alter at the entrance to the temple at her compound.

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