Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Balinese Orchestra of Life

Wed - Sept 9, 2015:   We arrived  in Bail around 2 a.m. today. That was exactly thirty four hours after we checked in at the ticket counter in Tampa for our trip half way around the world. 

It was an easy trip. Everything flowed in perfect harmony with our needs. We are always amazed at how the Asian people are so courteous and always checking to make sure that you have every thing that you need to make our trip easy and comfortable. With a radiant smile they would then do what needed to be done to take care of our needs. Especially Korean Air.

The Day has been spent changing money and unpacking as well as an afternoon nap to get us into the Twelve hour difference between Florida and Bali. Around 6 p.m. we are sitting on the porch of our Bali home eating supper. The sun is setting. Being just south of the equator the sun always rises around 6 a.m. in the morning and sets around 6 p.m. in the evening. 

Sunset from our porch

As we finish our meal we listen to the night sounds from the village on the ridge on the others side of the Sayan river that is in front of us. With a deep appreciation we listen to the chanting of the men and woman as they conduct a ceremony in the village temple as it blends in with the night sounds. Off to our right we hear the Balinese music of a Gamelan orchestra adding their energy for another temple ceremony. 

From our experience this musical dance usually takes place each night. This instantly remind us that Bali is the island of thousands of temples. In addition the night sounds of the frogs and other creatures added to the temple ceremonies creates The Balinese Orchestra of Life that is always performing in perfect harmony each night throughout the island. 

This blending of human and nature spiritual music creates a magical way to fall asleep. It is almost  as if we are wrapped in the energy of heart of the Creator.

The rice fields across the river from our porch.

Going to sleep in that beautiful state of Oneness with life we know that around 3 a.m. the crowing of the rosters will mark the beginning of the performance of the morning Balinese Orchestra of LIfe, which will awaken us to a new day dawning. 

A conductor of the Morning  Balinese Orchestra of Life.

We will arise refreshed in our Oneness  as we begin our journey of exploring The Paths of Peace that the Balinese people walk and live on each day of their life.

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