Monday, October 5, 2015

Surrendering to Love

Each year we visit the temple of Pura Ulun Danu, Tamblingan. Our feeling is that the site dates back to the stone age as a sacred site. To reach the temple we have to cross the lake by canoes and then climb a long steep set of stairs. As we reached the center of the lake we felt the power of the energy of the site welcoming us.

Reaching the shore on the far side of the lake we stepped out of our canoe and stood at the steps that would lead up to the ancient sacred site. As we began our journey up the steps I noticed that the energy had increased, as it has each year.  It was clear that it was going to be a difficult climb for me for as I went up each step it felt as if the energy was pushing me back. 

Each step up began and ended with a prayer to get permission and then to physically open the  vale and step though. As I neared the top I had to sit and rest. As I rested I thought, I can't make it. I need to go back down. 

Instantly another voice arrived that said, If you have enough energy to go backdown, you have enough energy to continue the climb. I stood and asked permission to continue and the path opened. Standing tall I climbed the remaining steps and entered the temple. The resistant was gone.

In the temple the energy  had doubled in power since last year.  Yet it was still the power of the still point — the point where nothing appears to be happening yet total creation is present. 

Being in the power was like being home with God. The awareness was that there was nothing to do except to absorb, enjoy and become one with the energy of God’s love.

With the completion of our prayers  I stood in front of the alter and said my good-bye. For having just celebrated my 80th birthday I felt this might be our last trip to Bali. Instantly that voice within me boomed forth. 

Do not say good-bye. Say so long. I AM everywhere.

As I stood at the top of the steps Pam looked at me and said, You look different. Without thinking my reply was, I am.  I’ve been loved.

Returning  across the lake to our transport a new awareness arrived, The energy I had felt as we crossed the lake to the tenmple as well as I climbed the stairs to me felt overwhelming. Now I realized that in fact it was simply God’s love welcoming me.

A deep inner laugh let me know that not only have I been struggling and resisting God’s love for years but also the love from others because it was not what I believe love is.

Once again I marveled at the simplicity of life when I let go my judgements and simply open to receive and become one with whatever is happening to me.

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