As a result their relationship has been a constant journey of going deeper and deeper into the an inner state of balance, peace and love. This inner state is reflected in their outer world of oneness with life.
Learned—Keys for Peace to Live By
July 30, 2015
Pam and David Cooper
David’s 80 th birthday
- Would you rather struggle to maintain control just to be right, or sail with the flow and be happy.
- Live in fear and you become fear and project fear to others and it comes back to you.
- Earth is the school and love is the lesson.
- To Love means no one is hurt by your my thoughts, words or actions
- The chaos in the world is our teacher. Without the chaos we can never learn to love.
- It’s easy to love the lovables. Our journey is to learn to love the unloveables.
- Love is free of all judgements, agenda and expectations.
- What we focus on we create more of in our life.
- Stop searching for love and become love and give it away.
When I turn my fears over to God
Balinese spiritual belief
Balinese spiritual belief
When fear is in my face
I reach out and put my arms around it.
I bring it into my heart and give
the fear and the outcome up to God.
the fear and the outcome up to God.
I enter the sacred chamber
in the back of my heart.
There I become One
with my higher self.
The back door opens and I am
One with the heart of God.
God takes my fears and shows me
the way to walk through the event in peace.
Balance, harmony and oneness returns to my life,
as myeline is filed with peace and miracles.
And things always work out for me.
And things always work out for me.
Shared with our love,
Pam and David