Thursday, December 10, 2015

Everything in Bali is about the Art of Harmony

The Balinese understand that everything in life is created from the same energy, form the same source—God

to the Balinese the purpose of life is to live in harmon y with the energy of life and they will then be in harmony and oneness with The Creator.

As one explores the island of Bali it quickly becomes evident that everything is no only in harmon y with life but is also manifested as a piece of the art and beauty of life. This is visible in not only the ceremonies but in the every day life.

Everything is in balance, peace, and oneness with the energy of life.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Learned — Keys for Peace to Live By

We are continueing to keep the Bali Blog open. From time to time we will be posting photos, wisdoms keys and stories that reflect how we have found the peace of Bali where ever we are. For Bali is a sacred place in the back of our hearts. By sharing our true-life wisdoms of what works, it is our hope that you too can find that place in your heart that is Bali and learn to always liver there also.


As part of David's celebration for his 80th birthday he and Pam created a personal message of The Keys to Walking the Path of Peace that they have lived by for the fifteen years that they have been together.

As a result their relationship has been a constant journey of going deeper and deeper into the an inner state of balance, peace and love. This inner state is reflected in their outer world of oneness with life

Learned—Keys for Peace to Live By
  July 30, 2015 
 Pam and David Cooper
 David’s 80 th birthday

  • Would you rather struggle to maintain control just to be right, or sail with the flow and be happy.
  • Live in fear and you become fear and project fear to others and it comes back to you.
  • Earth is the school and love is the lesson. 

  • To Love means no one is hurt by your my thoughts, words or actions

  • The chaos in the world is our teacher. Without the chaos we can never learn to love. 
  • It’s easy to love the lovables. Our journey is to learn to love the unloveables.
  • Love is free of all judgements, agenda and expectations. 
  • What we focus on we create more of in our life.
  • Stop searching for love and become love and give it away.

When I turn my fears over to God
Balinese spiritual belief

When fear is in my face
I reach out and put my arms around it.

I bring it into my heart and give 
the fear and the outcome up to God.

I enter the sacred chamber
in the back of my heart. 

There I become One
with my higher self.

The back door opens and I am 
One with the heart of God.

God takes my fears and shows me 
the way to walk through the event in peace.

Balance, harmony and oneness returns to my life, 
as myeline is filed with peace and miracles.

And things always work out for me.

Shared with our love,

Pam and David

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Mountains of Life

Greetings on a new day dawning

From David's new soon to be released e-Book

The Mystical Mountains of Banff.

Wisdoms and Photos about Life

Friday, November 6, 2015

Life — It's all about Love

                                              Grandfather  Bear Heart
                                                                1918 — 2008

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Balinese — Walking the Path of Peace

The following posts will set forth some of the different keys that are a part of
the Balinese way for Walking the Path of Peace.

The first key is that they believe that everything in the universe is created from the same energy from the same source — God the Creator. Thus to live in peace is to remember that the energy of life and creation is their teacher.  Their task is to learn how to live in harmony with the energy of life by exploring what works and what does not work.  They then alway follow the model of physically and spiritually walking the path not talking about walking the path.

The keys to walking the path of peace are the lost ancient secrets of life that were hidden many years ago. Most have forgotten that they existed. However the Balinese appear to be the only collective on earth that have continued to walk the path of the ancients today

The secrets have been passed down from generation to generation through their stories, ceremonies as well as their rituals and beliefs.  From my travels Bali is the only culture in the world that still lives in harmony with this ancient model for life.

 There is very little written about the how to for it is up to each to discover what works and what does not work. In addition it is important for their parents  to pass these secrets on to their children.

When I first arrived in Bali in 1991 and asked many Balinese what is the purpose of life, they each replied:

To live a good enough life so that when I die I will be reborn as a Balinese.
If I live a really good live I will be reborn to the same village.
If I live a really, really good life I will be reborn to the same family.

My next question was, how do you live a good life. To which they all replied.

By serving God first.

The next question was how does one serve God. To which they all answered,  

By serving our family second, 
our village third and  
 the rest of the world fourth.

It was then that I saw that Bali was a collective where each person lived their life focused on the We and the Us of life, instead of the I and the Me of life. Instantly it all made sense, everyone in Bali is in harmony, for even the so called stumbling blocks when the veil is lifted and viewed as moment that were out of balance, they simply shift their inner world and the outer stumbled blocks become major steeping stones that move them forward on their path of peace.

Immediately the keys of peace are clear

Never point our finger to give directions or to blame.
Never stand with our hands on our hips.
 Always focus on the we and us . . . instead of the I and me.

Always accept that our outer would is a reflection of their inner world.
When our outer world is in chaos it is always  because our inner world is in chaos.
The only way to change our outer world is to first change our inner world.
When, we own the inner chaos and change our inner world to peace 
our outer world will also become one of peace.

The Journey Continues


We stepped out of our silver bird that we call our Time Machine having arrived safely back home in Florida. We awoke up the next morning to a beautiful sunrise of celebration of the completion of another fantastic trip exploring the path of peace of Bali.

During our many hours sitting in the plane we discussed how to keep this blog active for we have had over 5,000 hits from the United States and fifteen additional counties.  We both feel that the focus of the Blog on Bali is more then a journey of exploring a unique culture. It is about the fact that Bali is different. It is the only culture that lives the model of peace begins within and live always from their heart. A model that most of the rest of the world talks about doing but few accomplish the shift.

Most countries and individuals spend their time pointing their fingers at others as the cause of the conflict and chaos in their life.  They generally spend their time complaining and sometimes doing battle with others to get them to change. Others simply totally ignore what is happening as they wait for the magic moment when the galactic beings descend and with their magic wands bring peace to the earth.

Become like the flowers 
let your beauty radiate
the compassion that you are.

With the interest that appears to be taking place with this blog to explore other ways, it appears that our viewers are of a new group that is forming. A group of individuals that acknowledge that pointing the finger at others and waiting for peace to come is not working. They are beginning to realize that their outer would is a reflection of their inner world, just as the Balinese believe and live. To change our outer world all one has to do is to change our inner world. Thus peace is an inside job and each of us are responsible for being a positive part of the movement.

It is time to build a bridge between our heart and our mind.

We believe that is what is taking place, not only with this blog but with other groups and individuals around the world. We would like to share more of our stories and wisdoms which have been gained from our twenty-four year quest to find the answer to the big questions — how to walk the path of peace.

So we will begin to publish simple posts that are from out true-life adventure journal of what works and what does not work.  If the hits on this blog continue we will continue to post the wisdom of inner peace.

Each day we have a choice to choose
the path of peace or the path of fear.
Which will you choose?

We plan to have our first Path of Peace post in a few days and  will try to post something new once or twice a week.  So please keep checking back. If there has not been a new post then check some of the old posts that you simply skimmed over for there is a lot of info already posted.